Godwin Samararatne
meditation and dhamma teachings
He was able, straight, and upright, easy to speak to, meek, without conceit,
Satisfied with little, easy to support, free from duties, and light in living,
With faculties at peace, prudent, not forward, not greedy among the families,
He did not do the slightest thing whereby the wise might find fault with him.
His only wish was:
May All Beings Be Happy And Secure,
May All Beings In Their Hearts Be Happy!
--- cf. Metta Sutta (vs. 1-3)
Slideshow of Godwin's Life and Teachings
Retreat Talks in Hong Kong:
The Gentle Way of Buddhist Meditation (1997)
Retreat Talks in Germany:
Meditation for Everyday Life (1998)
Retreat Talks in Holland:
Learning through Meditation (1996 & 1998)
Recordings of Godwin's Retreat Talks:
Audio Files in mp3 Format (35 recordings)
Individual Talks, Writings, etc:
A Miscellany of Material by Godwin's Friends
A Searchable Database of Godwin's Teaching
Information, contacts, publications
Unedited Archives of Texts (4 retreats) and Recordings (over 100 hrs)
Outside Websites:
PDF of “Approaching the Dhamma”
A Volume in Honor of Godwin
this website was last updated January, 2020